01604 212732
7:30am - 10pm
Head Office: 3 Sunningdale Close, Northampton NN2 7LR
THS Plumbing & Heating Northampton
our gas safe id: 517522

How To Save Water, Energy and Money In Your Home

We’d all like to save a little money, and household bills can never be too small. One thing you can do to reduce those bills is save water. Not only can reducing the amount of water you use lower your water bill, but it can also lower your energy bill if less water needs to be heated. By using less water you’re doing your bit for the environment, too. Here are twelve things you can do to save water and money in your home:

1. Turn the tap off while brushing your teeth

Leaving the tap running while you brush can waste lots of water unnecessarily, so turn the tap off until you need to rinse.

2. Speed up your showers

Showers account for around 12% of the water used in the average household, so don’t dawdle if you’re looking to save money. Keep an eye on the time by using a shower timer, or if you don’t have one of those, play some music while you scrub and limit your time to a couple of songs (singing optional). Keeping your shower time down also helps you to save energy because you’ll need to heat less water.

If you prefer to take baths, filling up the tub an inch or so lower than usual can save you a significant amount of water.

3. Fix your leaks

Seen a spike in your water bill? You may have a leak. You can easily detect a leak in your toilet by putting a few drops of food colouring in your cistern and checking the toilet bowl around an hour later – if the food colouring has appeared, you have a leak. Call a plumber to fix any leaks, as that’s water going to waste.

4. Fix dripping taps

Along the same lines, dripping taps can increase your water bills – it might not look like much but over time those constant drips add up, so get those drips fixed.

5. Fill up your dishwasher or washing machine

Wait until your dishwasher or washing machine is full before using it. Half-full loads waste water, so hold off until you have a bigger load to wash if you can. When filling up the dishwasher, scrape food from plates instead of rinsing them. Many dishwashers also have an economy setting which uses less water and energy.

6. Fill up the sink instead of running the tap

If you’re handwashing dishes or clothes, fill up the sink with water instead of leaving the tap running with the sink unplugged.

7. Ditch the hosepipe for a watering can

Using a watering can in the garden instead of a hosepipe can help you to use less water. If you’re feeling extra savvy, you could put a bowl in the sink and fill that up with water when you wash your dishes, and then use this leftover water on the garden.

8. Put a jug of drinking water in the fridge

Instead of running the tap while you wait for the water to go cold, fill up a jug of water and put it in the fridge so that you have cold drinking water available all the time.

9. Install a water meter

A water meter can show you exactly how much water you’re using, so that you can see where you might be wasting water and how you could cut down.

10. Install a water butt to your drainpipe

You can use this water to water the garden or wash your car.

11. Insulate your water pipes

Insulating your pipes with foam will mean your water will heat up faster, and you will be able to waste less water while you’re waiting for it to heat up.

12. Install water-efficient appliances

There are many products available to help you to reduce water usage, including water-efficient shower heads and cistern displacement devices. When it’s time to buy new appliances or refurbish the bathroom, look into more water-efficient options for your taps, toilet, washing machine or dishwasher. For example, dual-flush toilets have a split flush button so you can decide how much water to use with each flush. Some washing machines are also more eco-friendly than others, so make sure you shop around.

You can find more useful water-saving tips on the Waterwise website. If you do find that you have a leak that needs fixing, or if you’ve purchased new, more efficient appliances or fittings and need help with installing them, contact THS Plumbing & Heating online using the form on the right, or call 01604 212732.

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THS Plumbing & Heating Northampton

3 Sunningdale Close



Tel: 01604 212732

Open: Monday-Sunday 7:30am - 10:00pm

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